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Educational programmes for preschools

Educational programmes for preschools

We offer a total of 15 educational programmes for pre-schoolers, divided into three packages with a focus on the following themes: developing emotional intelligence, exploring annual milestones and the legacy of the Baroque era.
Each programme covers all five areas of preschool education and all five key competencies.

The first package promotes young pre-schoolers’ development of visual perception and emotional intelligence. A key motivation behind this package, which is based on GASK’s permanent exhibition, is the fact that emotional intelligence is a path to understanding interpersonal relationships in all areas of life.
#music #movement

The Face of the Baroque0 programmes

The second package consists of programmes that explores the seasons of the year, holidays, rituals and legends. Art explores the changing face of the year, and various artists’ unusual points of view can help us to find new relationships while enriching our own annual rhythm.