At GASK, we are convinced that art is an important key to helping us understand ourselves. It opens up a world of beauty, creativity, astonishment and tolerance, and it also challenges us to think about ourselves and about the world around us. All of GASK’s activities thus consciously foster and promote an open and inquisitive relationship to original works of art and their relationship to the past and present. We welcome visitors of all ages and levels of education, with different life experiences, cultural backgrounds, religions, health impairments and social disadvantages. We consider everyone a partner for vibrant discussion offering valuable insights into our shared human experience and mutual reflections on important social issues facing the world today.

The primary function of the Gallery of the Central Bohemian Region is as a museum of art, which means that it administers, protects and continues to strategically build a collection of Czech and international art. Despite the various discontinuities in our country’s history, the GASK collections offer an exceptionally complete and high-quality overview of Czech art from the late 19th century to the present day. The collections also reflect the nearly sixty-year history of our institution.

The expansive interiors of the Jesuit College provide a generous space for GASK’s diverse and interesting exhibition programme. Key project is the new permanent exhibition, conceived as an invitation to wander Through the Labyrinth. It was loosely inspired by the book The Hero with a Thousand Faces by the American ethnologist and religious scholar Joseph Campbell (1904–1987), whose work explored the shared foundations of myths, fables and religious teachings. Campbell described the hero’s journey as a ‘monomyth’, a universal story characterised by a set dramatic structure consisting of particular stages.

Besides this GASK also offers visitors many interesting temporary exhibitions. GALLERY IV shows important large-scale exhibition projects – both thematic exhibitions and solo shows. On the ground floor, PROJECTROOM and EXPERIMENTAL SPACE, take a systematic look at works by members of the youngest generation of contemporary artists. The WHITEBOX is an outstanding exhibition space dedicated to works by artists who combine design with fine art. The BLACKBOX presents graphics, drawings and photography, mostly from the GASK collection. The PRINTMAKING CROSSOVERS programme is focussed on a living dialogue between printmaking and other fields of art (drawing, painting, sculpture, installation art, photography, digital media). The exhibition programme for GALLERY V is based on the activities of the gallery’s library. The separate SILVERBOX space within the permanent exhibition presents video and installation interventions and offers a seasonal chance to view a unique work of medieval book art from our collections, the Kutná Hora illumination.

The CAFÉ FATAL exhibition cycle near the gallery’s café, with interventions in the café interior, creates a bridge between the beautiful GASK gardens and the artistic riches hidden inside the gallery. Since May 2021, the Open-air GASK project in the gallery’s gardens has presented sculptures or installations by artists from current or planned temporary exhibitions or from the permanent exhibitions Through the Labyrinth. A central theme of this project is that the symbolic message of the exhibited works engages in a dialogue with the picturesque panorama of the historical city centre and the greenery of Kutná Hora.

Besides its collecting and exhibition activities, GASK also plays a vital role in mediating art to the public. The gallery’s educational and interpretive programmes, designed with a view to its exhibition programme, form an indispensable part of the activities offered by the GASK Learning Centre. Since its founding in 2009, the GASK Learning Centre has made it its goal to create the best possible conditions for various target groups to engage in personal contact with original works of art. Our programmes offer a safe space for reflecting on art, asking questions and awakening visitors’ personal creativity. We use art as a means for exploring specific socio-historical situations.

GASK is more than a gallery; it is a multi-purpose cultural centre that offers a broad cultural and social programme throughout the entire year, including concerts, theatre performances, screenings of classic and animated films, symposia, conferences and lectures. Visitors may also purchase products from our library and design shop, relax at our stylish café or take advantage of the children’s corner and visual playrooms designed for children of all ages. The beautiful Baroque halls of the Jesuit College frequently host weddings and other social events that form a part of the city’s public life.

As an institution, GASK observes the highest professional and ethical standards. It is a rich environment for both the mind and the emotions. It is a seat of intellectual, cultural and social life that contributes broadly to the positive transformation of values in contemporary society.