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Educational programmes for after-school art programmes

Educational programmes for after-school art programmes

We offer a total of 19 educational programmes for after-school art programmes, divided into three packages with a focus on the following themes: developing emotional intelligence, promoting creativity across educational areas, the reflection of historical events in art and the legacy of the Baroque era.
Each programme contains activities that comprehensively develop communications skills, aesthetic perception, creativity and empathy.

The Face of the Baroque0 programmes

The first package promotes young school-age kids’ development of visual perception and emotional intelligence. A key motivation behind this package, which is based on GASK’s permanent exhibition, is the fact that emotional intelligence is a path to understanding interpersonal relationships in all areas of life.

The third package introduces participants to the GASK building, meaning the monumental Jesuit College and its nearly 400-year history. The various programmes present the main elements and ideas of the Baroque era and introduce participants to the complicated history of this building and its first inhabitants.

#the baroque #jesuits #missions #education

Who is the mysterious Prague pedestrian? What ideas pass through his mind? What questions is he seeking to answer?
František Hudeček’s The Prague Pedestrian introduces students to the avant-garde and to art’s ties to literature, architecture, music, theatre, science and technology. Just like artists at the time, they can express their thoughts, ideas and imagination.

#the baroque #jesuits #art (painting, sculpture, literature, theatre) #refectory

Nothing Is the Work of Chance

But what if… The Jesuits believed in having a multidisciplinary foundation and were highly educated. Their strong faith in God and in science made them well-rounded individuals. One field in which they excelled was pharmacy. They applied their knowledge not only within their order but provided the residents of Kutná Hora with medicines created by experienced Jesuit apothecaries. On their missions, they encountered many new species of plants that they studied and recorded in their herbaria. What is medicine and where does it come from? Participants will become Jesuit pharmacists and come up with medical treatments.

#the baroque #jesuits #pharmacy #botany