• Written requests for loans from the collection are accepted at least four months before the anticipated loan date
  • Please send requests for photographic documentation of collection items using the online form below

Contact information for GASK Collection Administration

Věra Pinnoy

Věra Pinnoy

Head of Collection Administration P: +420 732 815 094

Jitka Francová

Collection Administration P: +420 607 015 703
Kateřina Dlabolová

Kateřina Dlabolová

Správa sbĂ­rek P: +420 725 607 394

Request for provision of digital image files from the GASK collection
Please fill in the form. Digital image files are usually provided free of charge in exchange for one copy of the publication in question for purposes of our record-keeping and use by our library. If the print data are used for commercial purposes, the price will be negotiated on the basis of GASK’s current price list.
Address, Organisation ID
Exhibition catalogue / monograph etc.
Inv. no. of work, artist, title
If relevant, requested means by which the files are to be sent
Please use the format +420 123 456 789
Any other information